Hello! I am Albany Alfonzo

& I love programming

The Journey


I have been learning about HTML and CSS since the start of SheCodes, and look I created this website!

If you click on the image it will take you on a nice loop, go ahead, try it ☺

AA portfolio


During SheCodes I used python to analyse a large set of weather data, to then present it as meaningful graphs to the user

I love python, I consider it a very logical and powerful language

Python Project


I heavily used Django models and Django Rest Framework to build the backend of our Group Project

The project was a Shopping List where the user could save their favourite products for later purchases

Click on the image to explore the website

Django Project


I have used react to build the frontend of our Group Project.

Although I naturally fit better with backend work, I have learned to appreciate the power of React for frontend work

Snap the QR code and see the website on your own device, we would love to have you as a user :)

React Project